cooked meat on the grill

Why Businessmen Eat Meat

“The animal is satiated, the man eats, the intelligent man chereishes,” the French philosopher Brillat-Savarin once said. Our well-being, mood, appearance, good memory and clearness of mind depend on food. If you want to live long, active and full, you should always pay due attention to your diet, namely hungarian meat products. Meat consumption affects our success and brain function. Feeling like a predator, a person behaves the same way in business. But what is the best meat to eat?

Birds or animals?

meduim rare cooked meat on the plate
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

To the question “What kind of meat is healthier for a person?” many, without hesitation, will answer that the product is derived from poultry. But it turns out that the meat of many animals can bring no less benefit to the body than bird meat. In addition, the meat of many birds in terms of fat content is not inferior to the animal.

Beef or pork?

Beef is commonly included in the diet of professional athletes and bodybuilders, as its protein maximizes muscle gain.

cooked pork on the wooden deck
Photo by Tim Rüßmann on Unsplash

Therefore, in response to the question “Which meat is healthier: pork or beef?” We would say: “Beef.” But the benefits of beef depend on its quality. Unfortunately, very often animals are kept in unsuitable conditions, stuffed with antibiotics. In this case, the meat product, instead of benefit, will harm the body. Therefore, it is worth choosing high-quality meat from a trusted supplier, for example, from coldstore in hungary.

In addition, the composition and benefits of beef taken from various parts are different. It is best to use tenderloin or a thin part for food. The thigh contains a lot of fat, loads the stomach and is poorly absorbed.

The veal is especially recommended. It contains a minimum of fat and harmful substances. Therefore, this product is among the dietary ones.

Photo by Branimir Petakov on Unsplash

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